- bit BlazorUI


ToggleButton is a type of button that stores and shows a status representing the toggle state of the component.


The ToggleButton offers three style options: Primary (default), Standard, and Text.

Primary button
Primary buttons are attention-grabbing, featuring a filled appearance. They're designed for essential actions at the core of your application.

Standard button
Standard buttons offer a moderate level of emphasis, suitable for important actions that aren't central to the application. They serve as a middle ground between Text buttons and the more prominent Primary buttons, providing flexibility in emphasis.

Text button
Text buttons are best suited for understated actions, serving as a less prominent choice in various interface elements.

Explore default checked state, two-way binding, and handling change events for a customizable user experience.


Two-way bound:


Varying sizes for buttons tailored to meet diverse design needs, ensuring flexibility and visual hierarchy within your interface.

Style & Class
Empower customization by overriding default styles and classes, allowing tailored design modifications to suit specific UI requirements.

Component's Style & Class:

Styles & Classes:

You can control the display of buttons with three settings, 'Visible' for full display, 'Hidden' for concealing buttons without altering layout, and 'Collapsed' to remove the button and its space.

Visible: [ ]
Hidden: [ ]
Collapsed: [ ]


BitToggleButton parameters
Default value
AllowDisabledFocus bool true Whether the toggle button can have focus in disabled mode.
AriaDescription string? null Detailed description of the toggle button for the benefit of screen readers.
AriaHidden bool false If true, add an aria-hidden attribute instructing screen readers to ignore the element.
ButtonStyle BitButtonStyle BitButtonStyle.Primary The style of toggle button, Possible values: Primary | Standard
ChildContent RenderFragment? null The content of BitToggleButton.
Classes BitToggleButtonClassStyles? null Custom CSS classes for different parts of the component.
DefaultIsChecked bool? null Default value of the IsChecked.
IconName string? null The icon that shows in the toggle button.
IsChecked bool false Determine if the toggle button is in checked state, default is true.
OnChange EventCallback<bool> Callback that is called when the IsChecked value has changed.
OnClick EventCallback<MouseEventArgs> Callback for when the button clicked.
OffIconName string? The icon of the BitToggleButton when it is not checked.
OffText string? The text of the BitToggleButton when it is not checked.
OffTitle string? The title of the BitToggleButton when it is not checked.
OnIconName string? The icon of the BitToggleButton when it is checked.
OnText string? The text of the BitToggleButton when it is checked.
OnTitle string? The title of the BitToggleButton when it is checked.
Size BitButtonSize null The size of button, Possible values: Small | Medium | Large.
Styles BitToggleButtonClassStyles? null Custom CSS styles for different parts of the component.
Text string? null The text of the BitToggleButton.
Title string? null The title to show when the mouse is placed on the toggle button.
BitComponentBase parameters
Default value
AriaLabel string? null The aria-label of the control for the benefit of screen readers.
Class string? null Custom CSS class for the root element of the component.
Dir BitDir? null Determines the component direction.
HtmlAttributes Dictionary<string, object> new Dictionary<string, object>() Capture and render additional attributes in addition to the component's parameters.
Id string? null Custom id attribute for the root element. if null the UniqueId will be used instead.
IsEnabled bool true Whether or not the component is enabled.
Style string? null Custom CSS style for the root element of the component.
Visibility BitVisibility BitVisibility.Visible Whether the component is visible, hidden or collapsed.
BitComponentBase public members
Default value
UniqueId Guid Guid.NewGuid() The readonly unique id of the root element. it will be assigned to a new Guid at component instance construction.
RootElement ElementReference The ElementReference of the root element.
BitToggleButtonClassStyles properties
Default value
Root string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the root element of the BitToggleButton.
Checked string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the checked state of the BitToggleButton.
Icon string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the icon element of the BitToggleButton.
Container string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the icon and label container of the BitToggleButton.
Text string? null Custom CSS classes/styles for the text element of the BitToggleButton.
ButtonStyle enum
Primary 0 The button with white text on a blue background.
Standard 1 The button with black text on a white background.
Text 2 The button for less-pronounced actions.
BitButtonSize enum
Small 0 The small size button.
Medium 1 The medium size button.
Large 2 The large size button.
BitVisibility enum
Visible 0 The content of the component is visible.
Hidden 1 The content of the component is hidden, but the space it takes on the page remains (visibility:hidden).
Collapsed 2 The component is hidden (display:none).
BitDir enum
Ltr 0 Ltr (left to right) is to be used for languages that are written from the left to the right (like English).
Rtl 1 Rtl (right to left) is to be used for languages that are written from the right to the left (like Arabic).
Auto 2 Auto lets the user agent decide. It uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.